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County Clare (4)
County Cork (15)
County Dublin (3403)
- Dublin (2948)
- Saggart (129)
- Sandyford (44)
- Kinsealey (36)
- Clondalkin (35)
- Tallaght (23)
- Blanchardstown (20)
- Lucan (19)
- Kingstown Township 1874-1900 (15)
- Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (12)
- Blackrock (11)
- South Dublin (9)
- Fingal (9)
- Swords (7)
- Mulhuddart (6)
- Rathfarnham (6)
- Kingstown Township 1828-1855 (6)
- Donabate (5)
- Killiney Township 1866-1900 (5)
- Rush (5)
County Galway (29)
County Kerry (3)
County Kildare (3)
County Leitrim (1)
County Limerick (1)
County Wexford (2)